Drug Tariff

Product listings on the UK Drug Tariff for Reimbursement

Part IXA Drug Tariff applications

‘The Drug Tariff – National Health Service England and Wales’ is a monthly publication issued by NHS Prescription Services of the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health.
The Drug Tariff outlines what contractors will be paid for providing NHS services i.e. for reimbursement (costs of drugs, appliances etc) and remuneration (as part of a dispensing contract).
Manufacturers wishing to supply appliances and chemical reagents for NHS prescribing must first seek approval from NHS Prescription Services for the inclusion of a product in Part IX of the Drug Tariff.
Part IX has four sections:

A. Dressings, bandages and certain other
B. Incontinence appliances; C. Stoma appliances;
D. Chemical reagents
Listing in Part IX enables products to be prescribed on the NHS by GPs, dentists and non-medical prescribers.

Applications must meet the following three criteria for inclusion in Part IX of the Drug

  • The products are safe and of good quality
  • They are appropriate for GP and, if
    relevant, non-medical prescribing
  • They are cost effective.

Real Healthcare Solutions Support

Total project support is offered from Real Healthcare Solutions to ensure that all applications onto the UK Drug Tariff are managed in a professional and timely fashion.

Relationships developed between the Real Healthcare Solutions team and the staff at the Drug Tariff office aid in the engagement and project success.

Real Healthcare Solutions acts as the agent for the company and deals will all communications with the Drug Tariff office directly.

Support is offered for new product listings; line extensions; new categories suggested and listed.

Pricing and Application

Completion of the appropriate forms and support on pricing and categorisation of products are done by the Real Healthcare Solutions team.

Supporting evidence for each product application is reviewed by the Real Healthcare Solutions team to ensure that all information is submitted, thereby ensuring no delays in the process occur.

A number of factors may result in a delay to the application timeline and Real Healthcare Solutions ensures that any and all factors are assessed and taken into consideration.